What Are the Most Effective Dry Eye Treatments?

Dry eye is a relatively common condition. Many people experience mild or occasional symptoms, especially in certain seasons or locations. Regular use of artificial tears or nonprescription eye drops can help relieve mild dry eye.

For those who suffer from persistent or severe symptoms, eye doctors often prescribe other treatment options. Understanding the underlying cause is helpful. Find out the most effective dry eye treatments.


Prescription Medications

Eye doctors can prescribe medications to treat dry eye condition. Certain medications can help to reduce eyelid inflammation that affects the oil-producing glands, and others help to treat cornea inflammation. There are tear-stimulating medications, eye inserts that lubricate the eyes, and autologous blood serum drops.

Punctal Plugs

Plugging the tear ducts is an effective dry eye treatment. Doctors use punctal plugs (tiny silicone plugs) to close the tear duct openings. Closure of the openings in the corner of the upper and lower lids helps to prevent tear drainage.

The closure can be partial or complete. Punctal plugs are removable. Thermal cautery, a procedure that uses heat, can plug the ducts permanently.

Special Contact Lenses

Eye specialists may recommend special contact lenses to treat dry eye syndrome. Prolonged contact lens wear can lead to dry eye. Lens manufacturers have designed special contact lenses that protect the eye surface by trapping moisture.

Scleral lenses help to keep the eye surface lubricated. The new lens materials are breathable, allowing oxygen into the eye.

Thermal Pulsation Therapy

Meibomian gland dysfunction is the most common cause of dry eye. It occurs when the glands fail to produce adequate oil for the tear film due to blockage. Unblocking the oil glands can help to relieve dry eye symptoms.

Thermal pulsation works by applying heat and massaging the eyelids (LipiFlow). Daily eye masks or warm compresses can also help to unblock the oil glands.

Light Therapy

Intense-Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL) is an in-office treatment that involves gentle pulses of light and eyelid massage. The painless procedure is an effective treatment for patients with severe dry eye symptoms. It helps to open up the glands, keeping the eyes lubricated. The effects of the treatment can last for several months.

The most effective treatment for each patient will depend on what is causing the symptoms. Treating an underlying medical condition can help to relieve dry eye symptoms. Some dry eye treatments stop tears from evaporating too fast, while others help to improve tear quality.

If a certain medication is causing the symptoms, doctors can recommend an alternative or change the dosage. If dry eye is due to an eyelid condition, such as ectropion or outward-turned eyelids, doctors can recommend surgery.

Frequent eyelid washes and applying a warm compress over the eyelids can help manage dry eye. Specialists suggest that certain nutrients or supplements can help boost eye health and reduce dry eye symptoms.

Other home remedies that can help relieve symptoms include drinking plenty of water, using a humidifier, and getting adequate sleep. Limiting your screen time and wearing sunglasses while outdoors can help to reduce dry eye symptoms.

For more on the most effective dry eye treatments, visit Eye Care Center. Our offices are in Fridley, Maplewood, and Maple Grove, Minnesota. Call (763) 308-8440, (651) 777-3555, or (763) 420-6981 to book an appointment today.

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