Our Doctors Team Picture

Our Doctors

Meet Our Professional Eye Doctors

The doctors at the Eye Care Center are providers of primary eye care services. All of our doctors of optometry are certified in the treatment and management of eye disease with medication. This means our doctors treat most non-surgical eye conditions. Whether it is glaucoma, an eye infection, a foreign object lodged in the eye, ocular allergies or simply a preventative eye exam, you can trust the treatment of your eye condition to the doctors at the Eye Care Center.

Should you have an eye condition that requires the services of a doctor with highly specialized skills, the Eye Care Center doctors maintain a close working relationship with fellowship trained ophthalmologists. We can help you find the right professional in all sub-specialty areas.

Meet the Team

Dr. Mitchell Albers 

Dr. Mitchell Albers

Mitchell H. Albers, OD joined the Eye Care Center professional staff in 2001 and became a partner in the practice in 2002. Originally from Bismarck, ND, Dr. Albers received his bachelor's degree from the University of Minnesota and his Doctor of Optometry degree in 1999 from Pacific University in Oregon. While in optometry school, he was a member of the Beta-Sigma-Kappa optometric honor society for academic excellence.

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Dr. Tina McCarty 

Dr. Tina McCarty

Dr. McCarty joined the Eye Care Center team of doctors in 2003 and became a partner in the practice in 2015. She is a native of the Twin Cities. She received her bachelor's degree from North Dakota State University and her Doctor of Optometry from Pennsylvania College of Optometry in Philadelphia. Dr. McCarty was vice-president of her class at PCO, graduated as a member of the Gold Key International Honor Society, and received honors for clinical excellence.

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Dr. Alicia Alvarado

Dr. Alicia Alvarado

Dr. Alvarado joined the Eye Care Center team in 2018. She graduated from Gustavus Adolphus College and received her Doctor of Optometry from Pacific University College of Optometry. After graduation from optometry school in 2016, she completed an optometric residency at Minnesota Eye Consultants, P.A. in Minneapolis where she received further training in cornea, refractive surgery, glaucoma, and surgical co-management.

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Dr. Jordan Keith

Dr. Megan Haresdin

Dr. Megan Haresdin joined the Eye Care Center team in 2022. She attended the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities for her undergraduate education and earned her Bachelor's degree while also being an active member of the University of Minnesota Marching Band. She went on to complete her optometric education at The Ohio State University and graduated in 2021 with her Doctor of Optometry degree.

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Dr. Jordan Keith

Dr. Samuel Beers

Dr. Samuel Beers joined the Eye Care Center in 2023. He received his bachelor’s degree in Pre-Medicine from The Master’s College and went on to receive his Doctor of Optometry degree from Indiana University in 2020. Dr. Beers’ clinical interests include comprehensive exams and contact lenses, as well as the treatment and co-management of ocular conditions, including glaucoma, cataracts, dry eye, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration.

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Dr. Jordan Keith

Dr. Rachael Barker

Rachael Barker, OD joined the Eye Care Center team in 2023. She completed her bachelor’s degree at Boston University and received her Doctor of Optometry from the Illinois College of Optometry, graduating magna cum laude in 2014 with honors in all of her clinical coursework. After optometry school Dr. Barker went on to a residency program specializing in pediatric eye care and vision therapy. She has had the opportunity to work in both private practice and academic settings.
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Dr. Matt Stein

Dr. Matthew Stein

Dr. Stein joined the Eye Care Center team in 2023. He attended Montana State University and North Dakota State University where he received his bachelors degree in microbiology. He went on to Inter American University of Puerto Rico School of Optometry where he obtained his Doctor of Optometry degree in 2021. After graduation he worked at Bergstrom Eye and Laser Clinic in Fargo, ND where he gained experience in pre and post operative care for a wide range of surgical procedures as well as managing ocular disease.
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Dr. Vera

Dr. Vera Lindhorst

Dr. Lindhorst joined the Eye Care Center team in 2024. She graduated with high distinction from the Michigan College of Optometry. While attending optometry school, she enjoyed membership in the Beta-Sigma-Kappa optometric honor society in addition to holding office as the president of the Vision Rehabilitation Club
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