Rachael Barker, OD

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Rachael Barker, OD

Dr. Rachael Barker

Dr. Bradley Richter ​​​​​​​

Rachael Barker, OD joined the Eye Care Center team in 2023. She completed her bachelor’s degree at Boston University and received her Doctor of Optometry from the Illinois College of Optometry, graduating magna cum laude in 2014 with honors in all of her clinical coursework. After optometry school Dr. Barker went on to a residency program specializing in pediatric eye care and vision therapy. She has had the opportunity to work in both private practice and academic settings.

Dr. Barker enjoys getting to know and helping patients of all ages and walks of life with their visual comfort and eye health. She has a special passion for working with children, teens and those with special needs. In addition, she has gained expertise in the areas of myopia management and dry eye disease. She is a member of the Minnesota Optometric Association, American Optometric Association and College of Optometrist in Vision Development.

A native of Washington State, Dr. Barker is an outdoor enthusiast and amateur baker who prefers to spend her weekends camping and hiking with her husband and two sons or engrossed in a good book waiting for a sourdough loaf to rise.

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