Why Choose Us

A Team Approach to Eye Care

The Eye Care Center is an independent eye clinic group dedicated to provide personalized medical eye care, quality eyewear, unsurpassed customer service and a commitment to the communities we serve.

The doctors at the Eye Care Center are providers of primary eye care services. All of our doctors of optometry are certified in treatment and management of eye disease with medication. Our doctors treat most eye conditions or co-manage/coordinate with specialists to make sure you receive the best care. Whether it is glaucoma, an eye infection, a foreign object lodged in the eye, ocular allergies or simply a preventative eye exam, you can trust the treatment of your eye condition to the doctors at the Eye Care Center.

There may come a time, however, when your eye condition may require the services of a doctor with highly specialized skills. The Eye Care Center doctors maintain a close working relationship with fellowship trained ophthalmologists with sub-specialty expertise in the areas of refractive surgery, cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery, corneal surgery, ocular neurological disease, retinal disease, pediatric surgery and oculoplastic surgery. These eye surgeons uphold the team approach to eye care and co-manage these patients with the Eye Care Center doctors.

Probably the most important person in the team approach to eye care is you.

reader's choice awards


The Eye Care Center won the following awards this year:

"Best Eye Wear"
Fridley, Mounds View, New Brighton, and Columbia Heights, MN

"Best Optometrist/Eye Glass Store"
Fridley, Mounds View, New Brighton, and Columbia Heights, MN

"Best Eye Doctor"
Fridley, Mounds View, New Brighton, and Columbia Heights, MN

us chamber of commerce logo

Innovation in Technology

Presented to the business that introduced innovative technology into the business place that broke new ground in their field and demonstrated successful impact. The Eye Care Center was awarded this honor through the Chamber of Commerce, with committees voting from 5 different states.

Schedule Now
admin none optometrist https://www.google.com/search?q=Eye+Care+Center+1202+E+Moore+Lake+Dr+Fridley%2C+MN+55432&rlz=1C1CHBF_enPH885PH885&ei=R8v3YO3RE5XZkwXRsqTgBg&oq=Eye+Care+Center+1202+E+Moore+Lake+Dr+Fridley%2C+MN+55432&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBwgAEMkDEEMyCAguEMcBEK8BMgIIADICCAAyAggAMggILhDHARCvATIICC4QxwEQrwEyCAguEMcBEK8BMggILhDHARCvATIICC4QxwEQrwE6BwgAEEcQsANKBAhBGABQtCJY9iRgyidoAHADeACAAaQDiAH4BZIBBTMtMS4xmAEAoAEBoAECqgEHZ3dzLXdpesgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwitkaTM0PPxAhWV7KQKHVEZCWwQ4dUDCA4&uact=5#lrd=0x52b32fa375ed123d:0x44ca34f1d710d2d0,3,,, https://www.facebook.com/eyecarecentersmn/reviews/?ref=page_internal